Your care team

Every member of the Icon team is here to help.


Every member of the Icon team is here to help. Here are some of the team members you may meet and the role they have in your care.

  • Colorectal surgeons are doctors highly specialised in performing colon and rectal surgery with rigorous advanced training and highly focused clinical practice dedicated to the management of colorectal disease. Throughout your time at Icon, your colorectal surgeon will support you through treatment and oversee the management of your care.
  • Clinical oncologists are doctors who specialise in diagnosing and treating cancers with the use of chemotherapy drugs, immunotherapy, targeted therapies and hormonal therapies. Our Icon clinical oncologists are also experienced in prescribing radiation therapy treatments for different types of cancer, and oversee the management of care for patients during radiotherapy. Your clinical oncologist will develop and continually review your treatment plan and, in most cases, lead and manage your overall care.
  • Specialist wound nurses and enterostomal therapists will support you throughout many areas of your treatment and overall wellbeing, including wound care, stoma care counselling, monitoring your symptoms and managing any wound and stoma problems. Your nursing team is your first and primary point of contact for information and will provide additional sources of information regarding your stoma and wound care.
  • Administration team will coordinate your treatment at the centre, including appointment bookings, billing and connecting you with external support services. If you have any questions or are ever unsure who to talk to, our administration team can help.

Making an appointment

Find out how to make an appointment at Icon Cancer Centre, or request more information from your nearest centre.
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Our doctors

Icon brings together a strong and prominent team of medical specialists.
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Patient Information Library

Learn more about a variety of conditions and their treatments.
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